Activate X-fi Windows Vista 64bit Vs 32bit?


Windows Vista 64bit vs 32bit? - activate x-fi

For now I have all the necessary drivers for Windows Vista 32-bit or 64 bit. But heres my question, I become 64-bit or 32 bit? I need to know now because I have to begin today.

My details:

AMD Athlon X2 Dual-Core (64 bit, of course)
1.5 GB of memory soon (2.5 GB)
ATI Radeon X1600 PRO
ATI TV Wonder Elite
Creative X-Fi Xtreme Music
200 GB

Should I order 32-bit version now? or should I format it with Windows XP, then to 64-bit upgrade?


paulmeji... said...

You need 64-bit, because he has so much space and a large memory card. I asked for Vista Basic and HP gave me a 32-bit. Mine has exactly half the things that you have. Go to 64 bits.

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